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Túto e-knihu si budete môcť po zakúpení stiahnuť do svojho počítača, mobilu alebo čítačky.The publication reviews the festivities in the lives of immigrants who came to the Czech Republic after 1990 and who have since created new diasporas or established themselves as distinctive immigrant groups. Festivities are an important aspect of immigrants' lives inside their social groups as they support the immigrants' ethnic self-identification, strengthen their ties to their home country, and...
The publication reviews the festivities in the lives of immigrants who came to the Czech Republic after 1990 and who have since created new diasporas or established themselves as distinctive immigrant groups. Festivities are an important aspect of immigrants' lives inside their social groups as they support the immigrants' ethnic self-identification, strengthen their ties to their home country, and aid them in building a sense of belonging. The author elaborates on findings from research undertaken in various immigrant groups throughout the Czech Republic, focusing on the abandonment of festivities, their adaptation to the new environment, and the creation of new ones, while observing their social significance and cultural specificity.
anglický jazykPočet strán
160 stránEAN
401930 z 5
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ShopRoku 2021
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2020
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2019
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2018
Víťaz - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2017
Víťaz - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2016
Víťaz - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2015
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2014
Finalista - Zábava